Lunes, Hulyo 14, 2014

Blogpost 10: Depression

We experience stress but stress is different in depression. Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense of well-being. These people can feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, hurt, or restless.

I have read an article entitled "Unplug! Too Much Light at Night May Lead to Depression" written by Dr. Mercola found on Mercola. 

In this article it was said that exposure to artificial light at night has surged in prevalence during the past 50 years, coinciding with rising rates of depression. It could be due to the production of the hormone melatonin, which is interrupted when you’re exposed to light at night.

In a study published by researchers at the Oregon Health and Science University, it was found that melatonin relieved. The study found insomniacs have a circadian misalignment in which they are out of phase with natural sleeping times.

This misalignment can be corrected either by exposure to bright lights (during daylight hours), or by taking a melatonin supplement at a certain time of day. While your body will begin to produce melatonin only after it’s dark outside, the level of melatonin produced is related to the amount of exposure you have had to bright sunshine the previous day; the less bright light exposure the lower your melatonin levels.

Yet another study about melatonin and circadian phase misalignment found a correlation between circadian misalignment and severity of depression symptoms.

Studies have also linked low melatonin levels to depression in a variety of populations, including multiple sclerosis patients and post-menopausal women. Clearly, anything that negatively effects melatonin production is likely to have a detrimental effect on your mood. Melatonin’s immediate precursor is the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is a major player in uplifting your mood.

Dr. Mercola quoted "Chronic exposure to dim light at night can cause signs of depression after just a few weeks"

Still discipline is the main key in avoiding this kind of illness. We must learn our limitations and not exceed to it.

I have read an article entitled "Media multi-tasking linked to depression" written by Anna Salleh found on ABC Science.

In this article it was said that  people who media multi-task are more like to report feeling depressed or anxious.

Psychologist Dr Mark Becker, of Michigan State University, and colleagues, report their findings in a recent issue of Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking.

"This is the first report of an association between increased media multi-tasking and self-reported symptoms of depression and anxiety,"

From video games and SMS to soical networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, the past decade has seen a dramatic increase in the use of internet especially by young people.

They report that according to US statistics, overall media use among youth has increased by 20 percent during the past decade.

Previous research has also linked multi-tasking with attention problems, which in turn has been linked to depression, so Becker and colleagues thought it would be a good idea to investigate this link a bit more closely.

But they also had to allow for the fact that people with certain personalities are more likely to be depressed.

Anna Salleh quoted "This dramatic shift in how people engage with media may be important to understanding the relationship between media use and mental health"

Electronic gadgets especially internet greatly influences our daily lives especially young people. They should be guided by their parents to be able for them to avoid this kind of mental illness.

Self discipline is still the main key in order for us to avoid this kind of mental illness. And for the young people they must be guided by their parents or at least by their guardians by not letting them abuse the usage of their gadgets. Parents and guardians must not spoiled their children's in order for them to live healthy and be a good  member of this society.

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