Sabado, Hulyo 12, 2014

Blogpost 9: Obesity

Children's that overuse their gadgets might become obese. Lack of exercise, stress and unhealthy lifestyle are some of the causes of obesity.

I have read an article entitled "Is gadget addiction making us obese?" written by  Dr. Rho found on Health relationships.

In this article it was said that in our home or at work, its gadgets that have hooked us for long hours and addiction to this will get worst in the near future.
Children spend more time indoors than and activity on gadgets that is popular with children of this gadget generation which is why a number of children are turning obese. A large number of teenagers too are becoming obese snacking on junk food while engaged with different gadget. 

Large number of obesity cases in the past two decades has been linked to gadget addiction. Lack of physical activity is responsible for children, young teens and adults becoming obese. Parents need to monitor the amount of time children spend with gadgets. For children time schedules should be allocated when it comes to using gadgets. Parents should encourage children to play outdoor sports.

Psychiatrists and psychologists are of the opinion smartphone addiction is not going to be easy to tackle in the future. Parents should not encourage little children to play with smartphones. 

Dr. Rho quoted "Do not succumb to your children’s demands; remember the line of control belongs to parents"

The parents is responsible for their children's health. They should not let their children's to be spoiled and become obese.

I have read an article entitled "The Connection Between Technology And Childhood Obesity" written by Cazza Burke found on Ezine articles.

In this article it was said that before parents derived much pleasure from seeing their kids cavorting in the outdoors beneath the sun or climbing trees and remaining somewhat more active than the kids of today who have found a virtual world in which to remain engrossed. 

Thus, technology and childhood obesity are closely related because we have now become accustomed to having our eyes glued to the computer screen or television screen and are otherwise taken up with different forms of electronic entertainment.

It is thus imperative to understand the reason why technology and childhood obesity are going hand in hand, and when one considers the fact that child obesity has gone up by more than three times in the recent past, the problem has actually now reached epidemic proportions and it seems that now we are breeding obesity in our homes as we are letting our children spend all of their time in front of the television or other electronic devices. 
No doubt, there are a number of other factors too that contribute to obesity, but television is a prime example of how technology and childhood obesity combine to the detriment of our health. Staying glued to the television will mean a lack of exercise, focusing on excessive eating followed by an unhealthy lifestyle and thus contributing to furthering the incidence of obesity in our children.

Cazza Burke quoted "Television and the computer are prime examples of how technology and childhood obesity are making kids do things that are bad for them and if you want your kid to not become obese, you should discourage him from watching too much television, which is a major reason why children become obese, and to also address obesity as a health problem which needs to be addressed and not to consider obesity as merely being a problem with how the child looks"

Parents should discipline their children's especially at the very young age. They are the one that is responsible for the health of their children's.

Discipline is the key to a good life and a good health. If we learn to discipline ourselves we can live without ease. I understand the fact that our parents is too busy in their business and jobs but as a student we should learn our limitations to be able to get rid of this kind of illness.

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