Lunes, Agosto 4, 2014

Electronic Gadgets Chapter 1-3 (Final)

 Negative Effects of Electronic Gadgets

A Research Paper Presented to
The Faculty of the English Resource Center

School of Engineering
Asia Pacific College

Magallañes, Makati

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
ERESWRIT - Research Writing

Cada, Ronald James R.
August 2014

Chapter 1


A. Background of the Study

Electronic gadgets enable people to turn hard tasks into basic one. These gadgets helps people to communicate to their love ones by just a couples of press to it. It also helps us to save ink and papers which is from the trees that being cut down every single day. You can just take a photo and zoom it in for your resources instead of writing and using a lot of pages of your notebook.

According to the article entitled "Four advantages and disadvantages of technologies and gadgets" by Rodney Gordon found on Go Articles.  You can get quick access to information with the help of computer and internet, the two of the most popular technology and gadgets in the present times. 

Rodney Gordon quoted "There are so many gadgets that help to speed up work. Right from household chores to office work, there are gadgets with the help of which you can increase your work efficiency. It helps you to do quite a number of things in relatively less time"


Electronic Gadgets is also a source of enjoyment especially on teenagers. It develops their mental skills on how they will going to overcome some of the challenges in the specific game that they are playing. It also helps them to be wise thinkers as they find different ways on how to finish easily hard tasks and challenges and convert those into enjoyable one.

According to the article entitled "Gadget Lovers" by Gordon C. Bruner found on Scale research. There were several interesting insights about gadget lovers motivations and behaviors that emerged from the focus group discussions. It was very evident that these are 

consumers who enjoy playing with gadgets and like to surround themselves with these 
things. They like to figure out how the technology works and hence become very 
knowledgeable about their devices.

Gordon C. Bruner quoted "Its very often that these consumers not only figure 

out how the gadget works but they also spend considerable time and effort to figure out 
what else the gadget can do, i.e., capabilities the manufacturer may not have advertised"


Electronic gadgets these days is very affordable. Even poor family have atleast one. Another thing good in this stuffs is it is very convenient to bring anywhere you go. Gadgets these days made as pocket size such as Ipods, Cellphones, Cameras etc.

According to this article entitled "Origami gadgets" by Narenda Modi found on Economic Times. The boffins at Sony's Tokyo labs are working on a clever way to get bulky electronic devices into small sizes. Their plan is to create handheld computers, phones and portable games consoles that fold up for carrying and then become rigid for use. The body of theses screen folding gadgets would be made from a flexible polymer containing conductive rubber bracing struts filled with a gel of  aluminosilicate particles suspended in silicone oil.

Narenda Modi quoted "When a current is passed through the struts, the particles clump together and harden the gel, making the gadget solid enough to use"


Parents buy electronic gadgets to make their children behave and to stay in one place for them to not be disturb while working. Parents consider those playing time or moments as a bonding for them because he/she is the reason why the children enjoys. 

According to this article entitled "What is the Effect of Electronic Gadgets on Youth?" by Bruce Ritter found on eHow. According to the National Institute on Media and the Family, video games helps children practice following directions and problem solving, refine motor and spatial skills. And listening to music from MP3 players can help youth when performing boring and repetitive tasks. 

Bruce Ritter quoted "Children who sent text messages were faster on some tests, but also less accurate"


Yes those Electronic Gadgets benefits us and made our everyday lives easier and comfortable, but do we know or are we aware about its Negative Effects?

Therefore, having background knowledge about Gadgets we can conclude that these Electronic Gadgets give us a lot of beneficial effects but also can be harmful if misuse or abuse. And if we do abuse these gadgets it can lead to several illness that was mention in the previous topics.

The purpose of this study is to educate or basically to inform every Electronic Gadget user about its negative effects and how they can avoid it.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to provide an answer to this question:

1. What are the Negative Effects of using Electronic Gadgets to its users?

C. Significance of the Study

Teenagers. This particular group of people is considered as the main and most dominant users of this Electronic Gadgets. It is just one of the effect of being modern and living in this technology base era. This paper will help them realize the dark side of too much using of those Electronic Gadgets and to educate and inform them how to keep it useful as they use it in their everyday lives.

Gadgets User.  This paper will help them to understand that those Electronic Gadgets is made for convenience of human work and not to give or cause harm.

Manufacturers. This paper will help and inform them how they can improve gadget making. Knowing these Negative Effects of gadgets will surely make them realize and somehow research how they can lessen its occurrence. 

D. Scope and Delimitation

This paper will only focus on the Negative Effects of Gadgets. 

This study will only be discussing the Negative Effects of Gadgets and will not be tackling any further about its Positive Effects. Through this they can avoid by being informed about the harmful effects of too much or improper usage of their Electronic Gadgets.

E. Materials and Methods

In this research, the researcher gathered data in order to explain the Negative Effects of Gadgets. This explanation will going to help by educating or basically informing consumers of Electronics Gadgets its side effects.

The materials use by the researcher to gather the information are online articles, journals, and related studies appropriate to the research topic. The researcher gathered data's to provide information regarding the Negative Effects of Electronic Gadgets.

F. Definition of Terms

Effects - Its a result of a sudden activity; its either and positive or negative.

Electronic Gadgets - The product of our modern Technology. Its purpose is to make our lives more convenient and productive.

Modern Lifestyle - The way of living is improved and more complex with the help of 


Chapter 2

What are the Negative Effects of using Electronic Gadgets to its users?

Definition of Electronic Gadgets

These are things that helps us to make our daily tasks easier and more convenient. But sometimes if overuse or abuse these things will going to inflict negative effects to the user.

A more comprehensive definition of Electronic Gadgets which is according to the Webs for 549, "An electronic gadget is a technological object that has a particular function. Gadgets are considered to be more cleverly designed than normal technology at the time of their invention. Gadgets are also known as gizmos" (

Later on this paper facts about the Negative Effects of Electronic Gadgets will be presented by the researcher to change people's common way of using it.

I. The Negative Effects of Electronic Gadgets to its users

People everywhere use gadgets extensively. Therefore that resulted to several illnesses that is experienced especially these days that almost everyone have Electronic Gadgets.

According to this article entitled "Nielson Fact Sheet Reveals Surprising Statistics About American Gadget Use" by Jaymi Heimbuch found on Tree hugger. There are 223 million cell phone users over the age of 13, and 25% of the mobile devices sold during Q3 of 2009 were smart phones. That is estimated to go up to between 40-50% during 2010.

There are nearly 115 million households in the US with at least one TV, and the average American watches that TV about 31.5 hours each week. Of these households, about 30% of them actually have four or more televisions.

There are about 195 million active internet users, and the time spent on social networking sites has increased 277% since last year. Nearly 60% of adults in the US have two or more computers. 73% of households have a gaming device, with XBox, Playstation 2 and Nintendo Wii respectively making up the top three gaming consoles owned.


II. A number of Physical and Psychological Injuries

The extensive use of gadgets can lead to several illnesses or injuries that is divided into two major categories and that's Physical and Psychological Injuries.

A. Physical Injuries cause by Gadget use

1. Back Pain

Back pain is very common illness for everyone, even children suffers from this illness. It is because of lack of exercise, posture problems, over fatigue and many more.

According to this article entitled "iPain: How Britons' obsession with gadgets could be causing long-term health problems" by Claire Baites found on Mail Online. Our gadgets especially smartphones, laptops,and E-reader may be essential additions to modern life but they are causing harm on our bodies. A survey by the British Chiropractic Association found that one in four of us complain of a sore neck, back or shoulder due to using or carrying gadgets.

Laptops appear to be the major reason with 27 percent of those suffering back and neck pain admitting to using a laptop for between two to four hours a day. Mr Hutchful a British Chiropractor says that our muscles  are designed to flex and retract and if you stay in a fixed posture for too long like peering over a phone you are putting those muscles in stress.

Claire Baites said "More than 2,000 adults also revealed that 44 per cent of those who use a smartphone spend up to two hours on non-call related tasks such as texting, surfing, using apps and social networking" (

2. Obesity

Children's that overuse their gadgets might become obese. Lack of exercise, stress and unhealthy lifestyle are some of the causes of obesity.

According to this article entitled "The Connection Between Technology And Childhood Obesity" by Cazza Burke found on Ezine Articles. Before parents derived much pleasure from seeing their kids cavorting in the outdoors beneath the sun or climbing trees and remaining somewhat more active than the kids of today who have found a virtual world in which to remain engrossed. 

Thus, technology and childhood obesity are closely related because we have now become accustomed to having our eyes glued to the computer screen or television screen and are otherwise taken up with different forms of electronic entertainment.

It is easily to understand the reason why technology and childhood obesity are going hand in hand. No doubt that staying glued to the television will mean a lack of exercise, focusing on excessive eating followed by an unhealthy lifestyle and thus contributing to furthering the incidence of obesity in our children. 

Cazza Burke said "Television and the computer are prime examples of how technology and childhood obesity are making kids do things that are bad for them and if you want your kid to not become obese, you should discourage him from watching too much television, which is a major reason why children become obese, and to also address obesity as a health problem which needs to be addressed and not to consider obesity as merely being a problem with how the child looks" (

3. Poor Eyesight

Living in this generation we can't deny the fact that almost all of us are already connected to this stress relieving gadgets. We are using our gadgets from time to time without thinking about its negative effects and one of those is having poor eyesight.

According to this article entitled "Gadget overuse weakens sight" by Kaniza Garrari found on Deccan Chronicle.  Overuse of our gadgets especially mobile phones and laptops is said to cause strain and dryness in the eyes. Poor lighting, the height of the computer table, posture, and even the time of day when computer and mobile use is most frequent, all play a part in some of the health problems that are surfacing. Playing computer games before going to bed, for instance, can disrupt sleep patterns and result in disturbed sleep. Staring fixedly at a screen for long hours can cause drying of the eyes.

According to Dr. Manoj Mathur an ophthalmologist "Any person or child working on the computer, laptop or mobile phone for more than 20 minutes at a stretch will have an itching or irritating sensation in the eye. This is because the lubricants in the eyes are constantly glistening due to the bright screen. The eye stares constantly without blinking. The normal rate of blinking is 12 to 15 times per minute. When gadgets are used, this reduces to four blinks per minute. This dries the lubricants, causing dryness, redness and irritation. Constant irritation causes one to rub ones eyes, which causes strain. If this is complemented by other factors, then there is scope for refractive error.

Also according to his research the incidence of poor vision in the Indian population is between two and seven per cent. Around 22 per cent of computer users in the country suffer from computer vision syndrome".

Kaniza Garrari said "Children are brought to eye centers only when they complain of not being able to see the blackboard in school. But the problem could have started much before that. Regular screenings in schools will will go a long way in saving vision”  (

4. Texters Neck Syndrome

As a college student we uses our Cellphones from time to time and we sent over 100 messages a day. I know it helps us in communicating with others especially with our love ones but are we informed about its negative effects?

According to this article entitled "Neck Pain From Texting" by LMatthews found on The Tech Neck Institute. Neck pain from texting in combination with another piece of research from earlier this year this might just lead to changes in our texting behaviour, and in the manufacture of mobile phones. Gustafsson found differences in thumb postures and physical loads during texting between men and women, and between those with musculoskeletal disorders and those without. Shoulder, neck, and arm muscle movements, and the motion of the thumbs, were measured and the researchers found significant differences in muscle load and thumb position when the texter was sitting rather than standing. In addition, women had higher muscle activity than men in the extensor digitorum and the abductor pollicis longus when texting, with greater thumb speed, greater thumb abduction, and fewer pauses between thumb movements.

Lmatthews said “With millions of texts sent every day, and every new generation arguably more reliant on their gadgets and gizmos than the next, texting could be a looming public health crisis

B. Psychological Injuries cause by gadget use

1. Depression

We experience stress but stress is different in depression. Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense of well-being. These people can feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, hurt, or restless.

According to this article entitled "Media multi-tasking linked to depression" by Anna Salleh found on ABC. People who media multi-task are more like to report feeling depressed or anxious. Psychologist Dr Mark Becker, of Michigan State University, and colleagues, report their findings in a recent issue of Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. From video games and SMS to soical networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, the past decade has seen a dramatic increase in the use of internet especially by young people.

They report that according to US statistics, overall media use among youth has increased by 20 percent during the past decade. Previous research has also linked multi-tasking with attention problems, which in turn has been linked to depression, so Becker and colleagues thought it would be a good idea to investigate this link a bit more closely.

But they also had to allow for the fact that people with certain personalities are more likely to be depressed. 

Anna Salleh said "This dramatic shift in how people engage with media may be important to understanding the relationship between media use and mental health(

2. Phantom Vibration Syndrome

Do you feel sometimes that your phone is vibrating but there's no one calling? That is one of the symptoms of Phantom Vibration Syndrome. This is same thing as Hangover, when we drink alcohol too much. Just like in gadgets when we use our gadgets for a long period of time our body interacts with the feelings and others elements while we are using our gadgets.

According to this article entitled "Phantom Phone Vibrations: So Common They've Changed Our Brains?" by Elise Hu found on NPR. In this article it was said that Phantom Vibration has been around only since the mobile age. And five years ago, when its wider existence became recognized, news organizations, including ours, covered the syndrome as a sign of the digital encroachment in our lives.

Other people may not confuse cows for their phones, but research shows phantom vibration syndrome, like hypovibochondria or ring-xiety are a near-universal experience for people with smartphones. Nearly 90 percent of college undergrads in a 2012 study said they felt phantom vibrations. The number was just high for a survey of a hospital workers, who reported feeling the same illness on either a weekly or monthly basis.

We're seeing a lot of what looks like compulsive behavior, obsessive behavior. People who are constantly picking up their phone look like they have an obsession. They don't look much different from someone who's constantly washing their hands. It is not an obsession but it could turn into one. 

Elise Hu said "If you'd ask me 10 years ago, or maybe even five years ago if I felt an itch beneath where my pocket of my jeans were, and asked me what I would do, I'd reach down and scratch it because it was probably a little itch caused by the neurons firing(

We all know that these gadgets especially our mobile phones is already natural for us humans this days because it really helps us to make our tasks easier just like sending messages. But we also know that too much usage of this gadgets can be harmful and give us some illness just like Phantom Vibration Syndrome. The first thing that we can do to prevent or avoid this illness is self discipline by learning our limitations. We must lessen the time that we are spending in our gadgets especially to our mobile phones. That's the first step to avoid or lets just say lessen the chance that we can acquire those illness. We can play sports outside or bond with our friends as a break in using our gadgets. That will really help and at the same time develop mutual relationships with others.



This paper aims to provide information regarding the Negative Effects of Electronic Gadgets. The research design used in this study is the descriptive method wherein data from documents, articles, and other research papers found in the internet were used to answer the research question posed. These are the findings resulted from the research:

1. Electronic Gadgets plays a vital role in our society especially to the children. If used in the right way it will inflict good thing but if abuse it will cause several illnesses.

2. It enable people to turn hard tasks into basic one. These gadgets helps people to communicate to their love ones by just a couples of press to it.

3. These days  Electronic gadgets is very affordable. Even poor family have at least one. Another thing good in this stuffs is it is very convenient to bring anywhere you go. Gadgets these days made as pocket size such as Ipods, Cellphones, Cameras etc.

4. There are a lot of Negative Effects that can be caused by Electronic Gadgets.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. People become Electronic Gadget dependent and they tend to abuse its uses.

2. Teenagers are the most dominant user of these Electronic Gadgets because it causes them enjoyment but they also tend to abuse it and become addicted that will surely cause them several illnesses.

3. Several illnesses that was discussed will only appear or occur if the user abuse its uses. But if the user know how to use it properly those negative effects will be avoided. 


After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researcher hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations which may help Electronic Gadget users to avoid its negative effects.

1. Discipline yourself and try to minimize the usage of your Electronic Gadget or at least have a break if you can't stop because you are doing important things.

2. For teenagers their parents must monitor their usage for them to be guided and learn how to use their gadgets properly.

3. Self-Discipline is the key to a good life and a good health. If we learn to discipline ourselves we can live without ease. Instead of wasting our time by only playing games we can join some recreational activities that will surely develop our physical and mental skills.


A. Electronic Media

Rodney Gordon (2011). Four advantages and disadvantages of technologies and gadgets, Retrieved September 3, 2014 from (

Gordon C. Bruner (2008). Gadget Lovers, Retrieved Septermber 3, 2014 from

Narenda Modi (2006). Origami gadgets, Retrieved September 3, 2014 from

Bruce Ritter (2013). What is the Effect of Electronic Gadgets on Youth? Retrieved September 3, 2014 from (

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