Huwebes, Hunyo 26, 2014

Blogpost 3: Back Pain

Back pain is very common illness for everyone, even children suffers from this illness. It is because of lack of exercise, posture problems, over fatigue and many more.

I have read an article entitled “More children find it's a pain to use gadgets” written by Lo Wei found on South China Morning Post. In this article, it was said that more children are suffering from joint and back pains caused by 
the frequent use of electronic gadgets.

A study conducted by Polytechnic University and the Physiotherapy Association found that 28 per cent of 582 students polled this year suffered neck, shoulder, wrist or other pains from their regular use of electronic devices.

More than 80 per cent of the respondents, aged 10 to 15, were regular smartphone users. Of them, 40 per cent said they used the gadget between one and four hours each day.

Children had a higher head-to-body ratio than adults, so when they bowed their heads to use their devices, it put more of a strain on their back.

Dr Grace Szeto Pui-yuk, an associate professor of rehabilitation sciences at the university, said soft tissues in children's bones were still growing and were more easily damaged. She recommended that parents apply the American Academy of Pediatrics' guideline of keeping children under the age of two away from any electronic screens.

Lo Wei quoted "Poor posture also caused spinal deformities in some children"

Back pain can come to everyone so we must do actions as soon as the symptoms appears.

Poor posture: Computer users tend to hunch over their machines causing back pain
I have read an article entitled "iPain: How Britons' obsession with gadgets could be causing long-term health problems" written by Claire Baites found on Mail Online. 

In this article it was said that our gadgets especially smartphones, laptops,and E-reader may be essential additions to modern life but they are causing harm on our bodies.

A survey by the British Chiropractic Association found that one in four of us complain of a sore neck, back or shoulder due to using or carrying gadgets.

Laptops appear to be the major reason with 27 percent of those suffering back and neck pain admitting to using a laptop for between two to four hours a day.

Mr Hutchful a British Chiropractor says that our muscles  are designed to flex and retract and if you stay in a fixed posture for too long like peering over a phone you are putting those muscles in stress.

Claire Baites quoted "More than 2,000 adults also revealed that 44 per cent of those who use a smartphone spend up to two hours on non-call related tasks such as texting, surfing, using apps and social networking"

We should know our limitations to be able for us to avoid having this kinds of illness.

Exercise is a great way to fight any kind of illness. If we are physically fit we can avoid those illness. Having a healthy lifestyle is a must, we should consider our health in every activity that we are dealing in our everyday life.

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