Lunes, Hunyo 23, 2014

Blogpost 2: Texters Neck Syndrome

As a college student we uses our Cellphones from time to time and we sent over 100 messages a day. I know it helps us in communicating with others especially with our love ones but are we informed about its negative effects? 

In my previous blog we learn that there are really a lot of negative effects in overusing of gadgets and one those is Texters Neck Syndrome. This syndrome is associated with mobile phones, laptops and tablets. Those who engage in the texting or simply reading while hunched over laptops easily strain their neck and chiropractors say that the pain can be severe.

I have read an article entitled "Neck Pain From Texting" written by LMatthews found on The Text Neck Institute. In this article it was said that neck pain from texting in combination with another piece of research from earlier this year this might just lead to changes in our texting behaviour, and in the manufacture of mobile phones. Gustafsson found differences in thumb postures and physical loads during texting between men and women, and between those with musculoskeletal disorders and those without. Shoulder, neck, and arm muscle movements, and the motion of the thumbs, were measured and the researchers found significant differences in muscle load and thumb position when the texter was sitting rather than standing. In addition, women had higher muscle activity than men in the extensor digitorum and the abductor pollicis longus when texting, with greater thumb speed, greater thumb abduction, and fewer pauses between thumb movements.

Lmatthews quoted “With millions of texts sent every day, and every new generation arguably more reliant on their gadgets and gizmos than the next, texting could be a looming public health crisis”

We should sit properly and took care of our positions while using our gadgets.

I have read an article entitled "TEXT NECK: A Global Epidemic" written by Dr. Dean Fishman found on The Text Neck Institute. In this article it was stated that living in the modern digital age certainly has its benefits. We all enjoy the conveniences contemporary electronic technology offers, especially our mobile handheld devices. How did we ever live without the endless amounts of information, instant results and ability to interact and communicate, all at our fingertips? However, with all the advantages we gain from mobile technology comes the risk of serious and permanent health problems.

Dr. Dean Fishman is a Chiropractor in Plantation Florida, and a leading health care provider for technology induced injuries. Dr. Fishman originated the phrase 'Text Neck' to explain the repeated stress injury to the body caused by excessive texting and overuse of all handheld electronic devices. 

The term, and the health condition, is derived from the onset of cervical spinal degeneration resulting from the repeated stress of frequent forward head flexion while looking down at the screens of mobile devices and 'texting' for long periods of time. While 'Text Neck' is certainly a new medical term, the condition is impacting millions and is a growing critical global concern.  

Dr. Dean Fishman quoted "Text Neck' is a world-wide health concern, affecting millions of all ages and from all walks of life" 

It's really alarming how texting affects our body especially to our neck, we must learn to lessen the time that we are texting and the proper positions while doing it.

I therefore conclude that our positions while texting is important to prevent these kind of illness. In order for us to live healthy we must not abuse anything especially our mobile phones. Everything has a limit and everyone is vulnerable to this kind of illness so as early as now change your lifestyle and keep your body healthy.

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