Martes, Hulyo 8, 2014

Blogpost 8: Poor Eyesight

Living in this generation we can't deny the fact that almost all of us are already connected to this stress relieving gadgets. We are using our gadgets from time to time without thinking about its negative effects and one of those is having poor eyesight.

I have read an article entitled "Keep Your Computer From Destroying Your Eyesight" written by Roberto Baldwin found on Wired.

In this article it was said that staring at the computer all day is not good on our eyes. All those brightly colored pixels clashing with the lightning around us is a recipe for eye fatigue and strain.

According to that article this things should be observe to be able to prevent having eye problems.

Monitor Position

Your screen should be 20-30 inches away from you and your eyes should be level with the very top of your monitor. If you don’t have ability to adjust your screen’s height, a stack of hardcover books should do the trick. Or simply raise or lower your chair’s position. 

Text Size and Color

A good rule of thumb: Text should be three times the smallest size you can read from a normal viewing position — which, again, should be 20-30 inches from your monitor. When it comes to color combinations, your eyes prefer black text on a white background or other dark-on-light combinations. Avoid low contrast text/background color schemes.

Display Brightness and Glare

You want your monitor’s brightness to match your surrounding work space brightness. To achieve this, look at the white background of this page. If it looks like a light source in the room, it’s too bright. If it seems dull and gray, it’s probably too dark. If you work in a shiny reflective office, applying a glare reduction filter to your screen can also provide relief.

Roberto Baldwin quoted "Staring at the computer all day is horrible on your eyes"

Staring at our computers is a great hazard to our eyes it emits radiation not just that but also others that causes eye problems.

I have read an article entitled "Gadget overuse weakens sight" written by Kaniza Garrari found on Deccan Chronicle.

In this article it was said that overuse of our gadgets especially mobile phones and laptops is said to cause strain and dryness in the eyes. Poor lighting, the height of the computer table, posture, and even the time of day when computer and mobile use is most frequent, all play a part in some of the health problems that are surfacing. Playing computer games before going to bed, for instance, can disrupt sleep patterns and result in disturbed sleep. Staring fixedly at a screen for long hours can cause drying of the eyes.

According to Dr. Manoj Mathur an ophthalmologist " “Any person or child working on the computer, laptop or mobile phone for more than 20 minutes at a stretch will have an itching or irritating sensation in the eye." This is because the lubricants in the eyes are constantly glistening due to the bright screen. The eye stares constantly without blinking. The normal rate of blinking is 12 to 15 times per minute. When gadgets are used, this reduces to four blinks per minute. This dries the lubricants, causing dryness, redness and irritation. Constant irritation causes one to rub ones eyes, which causes strain. If this is complemented by other factors, then there is scope for refractive error.
Also according to his research the incidence of poor vision in the Indian population is between two and seven per cent. Around 22 per cent of computer users in the country suffer from computer vision syndrome.

Kaniza Garrari quoted "Children are brought to eye centers only when they complain of not being able to see the blackboard in school. But the problem could have started much before that. Regular screenings in schools will will go a long way in saving vision,”

The parents is the one that is responsible about their children's health especially their eye health.

Instead of letting the children play their gadgets all the time the parents should bond with their children's and they should play or join recreational activities that will going to develop their relationship as a family. That will make the children a wise user of electronic gadgets and a good example to his/her playmates.

1 komento:

  1. electronic gadgets have become an integral part of our lives, but parents should supervise children and do not let them spend too much time on electronic gadgets.
